Table of Contents
VIII-VI centuries BC | The most ancient history of Italy. Greek colonies in southern Italy. Etruscan society and State. The royal period in Rome. |
VI-III centuries BC | Early class society. The struggle of the Plebeians with the Patricians. Rome’s conquest of Italy (early Republic). |
II-I centuries BC | The system of classical slavery in Italy. Creation of the Roman Mediterranean Power (later Republic). |
I-II centuries AD | The heyday of the ancient Mediterranean civilization. The Early Roman Empire (principate). |
III centuries A.D. | General crisis of ancient civilization. The threat of the collapse of the Mediterranean Roman Empire. |
IV-V centuries AD | Formation of protofeudal relations. Late Roman Empire (dominat). |
754-753 BC | Traditional date of foundation of the city of Rome. |
VIII-VI centuries BC | The royal period of Roman history. |
VII century BC | The emergence of Latin writinAD |
Mid-sixth century BC | The reform of the Roman social system, carried out by King Servius Tullius. |
Ca. 524 BC | Defeat of the Etruscans in a naval battle with the Greeks off the coast of Campania. |
Roman Republic era (509-30 BC) |
494 BC | The traditional date of the first removal of the Plebeians to the “Sacred Mountain”. Establishment of the People’s tribunate. |
451-450 BC | Decemvir Commission. “Laws of the XII tables”. |
449 BC | Repeated removal of the Plebeians to the “Sacred Mountain”. The Laws of Valerius and Horace on the rights of Roman citizenship. |
445 BC | The Law of Tribune Canuleius on marriages. |
444 BC | Introduction of the post of military tribunes with consular authority. |
443 BC | Establishment of the position of censors. |
406-396 BC | The third (last) Roman war with the Etruscan city of Veii. |
390 or 387 BC. | Invasion of the Celts (Gauls) in Latium. Temporary capture of the city of Rome. |
367 BC | Laws of the Tribunes of the People Licinius and Sextius. |
356 BC | The first Plebeian dictator. |
351 BC | The first censor of the Plebeians. |
340-338 BC | Roman war with Latin allies. Establishment of Roman rule in Latium. |
327-304 BC | The second war of the Romans with the Samnites. |
326 BC | The law of the Tribune Petelius prohibiting the conversion of Roman citizens into debt slaves. |
312 BC | The censorship of Appius Claudius. |
300 BC | The Law of Tribunes of Ogulniev. |
298-290 BC | The third Roman-Samnite War. |
287 BC | The law of the dictator Hortensius on equating the decisions of the Plebeian assemblies with the laws (ending the struggle of the Plebeians with the patricians). |
280-275 BC | War of the Romans with the Epirus king Pyrrhus. |
264-241 BC | 1st Punic War. |
253-184 BC | Years of life-Titus Maccius Plautus, Roman playwright. |
239-169 BC. | Years of life-Ennius, Roman poet. |
234-149 BC | Years of life — Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder, Roman soldier, statesman. |
232 BC | Gaius Flaminius ‘ Agricultural legislation. |
229-228 BC | Rome’s first war with the Illyrians. The beginning of Roman expansion in the Balkan Peninsula. |
223-222 BC | Gaius Flaminius ‘ campaign in Northern Italy. Roman subjugation of the Gauls in the Po Valley. |
219 BC | The second war of the Romans with the Illyrians. |
218-201 BC | 2nd Punic War. |
218 BC | Hannibal’s Carthaginian army crossing the Alps. Battle of the Ticine and Trebia rivers. |
217 BC | Battle of Lake Trasimene. |
216 BC | The Battle of Cannes. |
215-205 BC | Macedonian War with Rome (First Macedonian War). |
211 BC | Hannibal’s army under the walls of the city of Rome. Capture of the cities of Capua and Syracuse by Roman troops. |
207 BC | The Battle of Metaurus. The death of Hasdrubal’s army. |
204 BC | The landing of Scipio’s Roman army in Africa. |
202 BC | Battle of Zama. |
Ca. 201-120 BC | Years of life-Polybius, historian. |
200-197 BC | The Second War between Rome and Macedonia. |
197 BC | Battle of Kinoskefaly. |
195-179 BC | Roman wars of conquest in the Iberian Peninsula. |
192-188 BC | Rome’s war with King Antiochus III. |
190 BC | Battle of Magnesia. |
Circa 190-159 BC | Years of life-Publius Terentius Afr, Roman playwright. |
C. 185 BC | Slave revolt in Apulia. |
C. 180-100 BC | Gaius Lucilius, Roman satirist. |
171-168 BC | Rome’s Third War with Macedonia. |
168 BC | Battle of Pydna. The destruction of the Kingdom of Macedon. |
154-139 BC | The struggle of the Lusitanian tribes led by Viriatus against the Roman conquerors. |
149-148 BC | The uprising in Macedonia. False philipp. |
149-146 BC | The 3rd Punic War. |
146 BC | The destruction of Carthage and Corinth by the Romans. Formation of the Roman provinces of Africa and Achaia. |
138-133 BC | The Numantine War. |
138-132 BC | The first slave revolt on the island of Sicily. |
133 BC | Tribunate of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus. |
132-129 BC | The Revolt of Aristonicus. |
123-122 BC | Tribunate and legislative activity of Gaius Sempronius Gracchus. |
116-27 BC | Years of life-Terentius Varro, Roman writer. |
113-101 BC | The war of the Romans with the Cimbri and Teutons. |
111-105 BC | The Yugurta War. |
111 BC | The Agrarian Law of Spurius Thorius. |
111 BC | Military and political reforms of Gaius Marius. |
106-43 BC | Years of life-Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman and writer. |
104-101 BC | The second slave revolt on the island of Sicily. |
102 BC | Battle of Aquae Sextii. |
101 BC | The Battle of Vercelles. |
103-100 BC | Speech of the Roman Democrats, led by Apuleius Saturninus. |
100-44 BC | Years of life-Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman soldier and statesman. |
C. 98-c. 54 BC | Years of life-Titus Lucretius Carus, Roman philosopher and poet. |
91 BC | Tribunate of Marcus Livius Drusus. |
91-88 BC | The Allied War in Italy. |
89-84 BC | Rome’s first war with King Mithridates VI of Pontus. |
87-82 BC | The domination of Rome by the supporters of Marius. |
C. 87-c. 54 BC | Years of life-Gaius Valerius Catullus, poet. |
83-82 BC | Civil War in Italy and Rome. |
82-79 BC | The dictatorship of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. |
80-72 BC | The struggle of Sertorius against the Sullans. |
78-77 BC | The struggle of Sertorius against the Sullans. |
74-71 BC | A slave revolt led by Spartacus. |
74-63 BC | Rome’s Third War with King Mithridates VI of Pontus. |
70-19 BC | Years of life-Publius Virgil Maron, poet. |
70 BC | Repeal of the Sullan Constitution. |
67 BC | The Law of Gabinius. Pompey’s fight with pirates. |
66-62 BC | Eastern campaigns of Gnaeus Pompey. |
65-8 BC | Years of life-Quintus Horace Flaccus, poet. |
64-63 BC | The struggle over the agrarian bill tribune Servilia Rulla. |
63-62 BC | The conspiracy of Sergius Catilina. |
63 BC-AD 14 | Years of life-Gaius Octavius (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian-Augustus), Roman statesman. |
60-53 BC | The first triumvirate. |
59 BC – 17 AD | Years of life-Titus Livy, historian. |
58-50 BC | Julius Caesar’s war in Gaul. |
56 BC | Meeting of the triumvirs in Luka. |
53 BC | The Battle of Carrhae. Defeat of the Roman army. |
49-45 BC | Civil war between Julius Caesar and his opponents. |
48 BC | The Battle of Pharsalus. The death of Gnaeus Pompey. |
48-47 BC | The Alexandrian War. |
43-36 BC | The second triumvirate. |
43 BC | The Mutin War. Conclusion of the second triumvirate. |
43 BC-17 AD | Years of life-Publius Ovid Nason, poet. |
42 BC | Battle of Philippi. Defeat of the Republicans. |
41-40 BC | The Peruzino War. |
36 BC | The campaign of Mark Antony against the Parthians. Octavian’s destruction of Sextus Pompey’s rule on the island of Sicily. |
31 BC | Battle of Cape Aktion. Octavian’s victory. |
30 BC | Octavian’s capture of Alexandria. The deaths of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. |
Roman Empire Era (30 BC-476 AD) |
30 BC-14 AD | Sole rule of Octavian Augustus — the first Roman emperor. |
27 BC | Legal registration of Octavian’s power and obtaining the title of Augustus. |
19 BC | Completion of the Roman conquest of Spain. |
16-15 BC | The conquest of Noricum and Raetia. |
12-9 BC | The conquest of Pannonia. The Roman invasion of Germany. |
C. 4 BC-65 AD | Seneca the Younger, philosopher. |
2 BC | The Law of Fufia-Koninii on the restriction of the release of slaves to freedom under wills. |
4 AD | New Elijah-Senthya law restricting the release of slaves to freedom. |
6-9 AD | Uprising in Dalmatia and Pannonia. |
9 AD | Battle of the Teutoburg forest. |
10 AD | A law for the execution of all slaves if one of them kills the master. |
14-68 AD | The Julius-Claudian dynasty. |
14-37 AD | The Principate of Tiberius. |
14 AD | Mutinies of the Pannonian and German legions. |
17-24 AD | Revolt in Numidia under the leadership of Tacfarinatus. |
21 AD | Revolt in Gaul and Thrace. |
23-79. | Years of life-Pliny Secundus the Elder, Roman scholar. |
24 AD | Slave unrest in Southern Italy. |
37-41 AD | Principate of Gaius Caesar (Caligula). |
37-approx. 100 AD | Years of life – Josephus, Jewish historian. |
39-65 AD | Years of life-Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, Roman poet. |
41-54 AD | The Principate of Claudius. |
42 AD | Attempted uprising in Illyricum to restore the Republic. |
42 AD | Completion of the conquest of Mauritania. |
43 AD | Claudius ‘ campaign in Britain and the Roman conquest of the southern part of the country. |
42— approx. 102 | Years of life-Marcus Valerius Martial, Roman poet. |
Ca. 46 – ca. 126 | Years of life-Plutarch, Greek-Roman writer and historian. |
54-68 AD | The Principate of Nero. |
Ca. 58 – after 117 | Years of life-Cornelius Tacitus, historian. |
60 AD | The British Rebellion. |
62-114 AD | Years of life-Pliny the Younger, writer. |
64 AD | The fire of Rome. |
66-73 AD | The revolt in Judea. |
68 AD | Revolt in Gaul. The death of Nero. |
68-69 AD | Civil war in the Empire. |
69-96 AD | The Flavian dynasty. |
69-79 AD | The Principate of Vespasian Flavius. |
69-71 AD | The Batavian revolt under the leadership of Civilis. |
70 AD | Capture and defeat of Jerusalem by Roman troops. |
73 AD | Vespasian’s qualification. Changing the composition of the Roman Senate. |
Ca. 70-160 AD | Years of life-Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, Roman writer. |
79-81. | Principate of Titus Flavius. |
79 AD | Eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The destruction of the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii. |
80 AD | Opening of the Colosseum. |
81 -96 AD | Principate of Domitian Flavius. |
Ca. mid-90 — ca. mid-170 | Years of life-Appian, historian. |
96-192 AD | The reign of the Antonine emperors. |
96-98 AD | Principate Nerves. |
98-117 AD | The principate of Trajan. |
Approx. 90 – 168 AD | Years of life-Claudius Ptolemy, astronomer and geographer. |
101-106 AD | The conquest of Dacia. |
114-117 AD | The war of the Romans with the Armenians and Parthians. |
117-138 AD | The reign of the Emperor Hadrian. |
Approx. 120-180 AD | Years of life-Lucian of Samosat, satirical writer. |
Approx. 124-approx. 180 years old. | Years of life-Apuleius, writer. |
132-135 AD | Revolt in Judea under the leadership of Simon Bar Kokhba. |
138-161 AD | The reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius. |
161-180 AD | The reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. |
161-165 AD | The Roman-Parthian War. |
167-180 AD | Wars of the Romans with the Marcomanni. |
174-175 AD | The Bucolic revolt in Northern Egypt. |
180-192 AD | The reign of the Emperor Commodus. |
193-197 AD | Civil wars in the Roman Empire. Competition for the imperial throne. |
193-235 AD | The reign of the emperors of the Northern dynasty. |
193-211 AD | The reign of Septimius Severus. |
198 AD | Temporary capture and looting of the cities of the Two Rivers by the Romans (Seleucia, Babylon, Ctesiphon). |
211-217 AD | The reign of Aurelius Antoninus (Caracalla). |
212 AD | Edict of Caracalla granting Roman citizenship rights to the majority of the free population of the provinces. |
222-235 AD | The reign of Alexander the North. |
226 AD | The fall of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty. Establishment of the Persian Sasanian dynasty. |
235-284. | Political crisis of the Roman Empire. The era of “soldier” emperors. |
249-251 AD | The reign of the Emperor Decius. Prohibition of Christianity and persecution of Christians throughout the Roman Empire. |
260 AD | Defeat of the Roman army by the Persians. The capture of the Emperor Valerian. |
253-268 AD | The reign of the Emperor Gallienus (until 260, together with Valerian). The invasion of barbarian tribes within the Empire. |
270-275 AD | The reign of the Emperor Aurelian. Restoring the political unity of the Roman Empire. |
280’s. | Revolt of the lower strata of Gaul — “bagaudov”. |
284-305 AD | The reign of the Emperor Diocletian. |
293 AD | New system of governance of the Roman Empire – “tetrarchy”. |
301 AD | Monetary reform. Edict on prices. |
303-304 AD | Edicts banning Christianity. |
306-337 AD | The reign of Emperor Constantine. |
313 AD | The Edict of Milan on Religious Toleration. |
316 AD | Edict on the attachment of curials to the curia of cities. |
325 AD | The Council of Nicaea. The transformation of Christianity into the state religion of the Roman Empire. |
332 AD | Edict on the perpetual attachment of columns to their plots. |
Ca. 330-400 AD | Years of life-Ammianus Marcellinus, historian. |
354-430 AD | Years of life-Augustine, Christian writer. |
360-363 AD | The reign of the Emperor Julian. An attempt to restore paganism. |
378 AD | Battle of Adrianople. |
379-395 AD | The reign of Theodosius I. |
393 AD | Prohibition of the Olympic Games, destruction of pagan temples. |
395 AD | Death of Theodosius I. The final division of the Empire into Western and Eastern (Byzantium). |
395-423 AD | The reign of the Emperor Honorius. |
410 AD | Capture and defeat of the city of Rome by the Goths. |
418 AD | Formation of the barbarian kingdom of the Visigoths in Aquitaine. |
425-455 AD | The reign of Emperor Valentinian III. |
429 AD | Vandal takeover of Africa. Formation of the Vandal kingdom. |
451 AD | Defeat of the Huns in the battle of Catalunya fields. |
455 AD | The destruction of Rome by vandals. |
476 AD | The deposition of Romulus Augustulus. Traditional date of the fall of the Roman Empire. |
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